Light Language & Self Expression

Light Language and Self Expression 1 course:

This course, is not only for those who already communicate in Light Language and those who have a desire to do so;  Although it is likely that the course will activate some aspect of your inherent LL communications, this journey is about so much more…

I recommend this course for those who would like to incorporate a greater sense of liberty and ease in their self expression, with their relationship to  Higher Self, and when reaching to create the life that they most desire.

The class is two pronged:

We will be doing, Breathwork, Chakral activations, shamanic journeys, Light Language activations and shares to prepare the body to receive these downloads in a comfortable and confident manner. 

Additionally, we will be going through select NLP processes and meditations that allow us to heal identity level limiting beliefs and the traumas through which they have originated. To facilitate this, we will work on our Transincarnational, Ancestrial and current human timelines.  This will aid us by giving context to our limiting behaviors and reoccurring life experiences in a way that brings us into greater rapport with all parts of ourselves. Lastly, we will engage in meditations and assignments that deepen our relationship with our  Higher  Self in a tangible way that allows us more permission to create the life we truly want.


Neuro- Linguistic Programming (NLP)